Tokyo Iced Grape 30ml

Experience the freshening blast of ice with a perfect of tantalizing and real purple grape.


Tokyo Iced Grape 30ml

Experience the revitalizing ice blast with a perfectly delicious and authentic purple grape. Your taste buds will be tantalized by the incredible, mouthwatering flavor of grapes combined with a hint of cooling ice. It will definitely gratify your vaping needs.
Tokyo E-Liquids’ Grape Iced 30ml cools down your taste receptors with an ice-cold grape finish. You will taste a lot of crisp, sweet grapes when you inhale, combined with faint overtones of chilly menthol. An immediate burst of tart grape flavor and a spectacular menthol blast glide off your tongue as you exhale.

Tokyo’s Iced Grape is exactly what it says it is: grape with a lovely undertone. A delightful experience that highlights the best aspects of grape flavour. A delicious blend that expertly balances each of the key players to provide you with a clear and crisp lip-licking flavour experience. For a sweet and refreshing pleasure all day, add a menthol kick.

Tokyo Iced Grape Nic Salt


  • Flavor: Iced Grape
  • Size: 30 ml
  • Nicotine Strength: 20mg,30mg & 50mg
  • Bottle Type: 30ml chubby Gorilla Bottle

NOT FOR SUB-OHM USE:DO NOT use with Sub-Ohm Atomizers and/or Devices Only for Low Wattage (MTL) Mouth-to-Lung Devices.


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